
    • 姓名:张 华
    • 职务:
    • 职称:教授、博导
    • 所属系:食品生物技术系
    • 邮箱:hzhanglab@hfut.edu.cn
    • 办公地点:1号实验楼306
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项

2005年6月-至今,合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,副教授(2005)、教授四级(2010)、教授三级(2013);2009年-2010年,美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)。




职务: 职称: 教授、博导
所属系: 食品生物技术系 邮箱: hzhanglab@hfut.edu.cn
办公地点: 1号实验楼306 学术成果 <br>1.K Hu†,*, M Geng†, L Ma†, G Yao, M Zhang, H Zhang*. H2S-responsive ERF.D3 regulates tomato leaf senescence and fruit ripening by modulating abscisic acid metabolism. Plant Physiology, 2025, 197(2) https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae560
<br>2.Y Sun, M Zhang, M Geng, Z Geng, Z Lu, N Liu, Z Liu, D Zeng, G Yao, K Hu*, H Zhang*. Hydrogen sulfide interferes with ethylene biosynthesis and signaling pathway in tomato by the mediation of SlERF.D2 persulfidation. Plant Journal. 2025, 121(4) DOI: 10.1111/tpj.70000
<br>3.Y-Q Zhao, C Sun,  K-D Hu, Z Liu,Y-C Song, R-J Xiong, Y Yu, Y Ma, H Zhang*, G-F Yao*. A transcription factor SlWRKY71 activated the H2S generating enzyme SlDCD1 enhancing the response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. DC3000 in tomato leaves. New Phytologist, 2025, 246(1): 262-279.
<br>4.M Zhang, X Peng, N Liu, Z Lu, Y Zhao, G Yao, J Li, R Xu, K Hu, H Zhang. An importin protein SlIMPA3 interacts with SlLCD1 and regulates tomato fruit ripening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2025, 73(2):1492-1504.
<br>5.M Zhang, K Hu*, L Ma, M Geng, C Zhang, G Yao, H Zhang*. Persulfidation and phosphorylation of transcription factor SlWRKY6 differentially regulate tomato fruit ripening. Plant Physiology, 2024, 196(1), 210-227.
<br>6.W-S Zhao, L-F Yan, K-D Hu, Z-L Zhou, S-Q Wang, L-Y Yan, F Hu, H Zhang*, G-F Yao*. Transcriptomic mechanism revealed IbGST4 and IbGST2 genes response to low-temperature stress in sweet potatoes. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024, 212:112909, 1-13
<br>7.C Sun, G-f Yao*, L-X Li, T-T Li, Y-Q Zhao, K-D Hu, C-H Zhang, H Zhang*. E3 ligase BRG3 persulfidation delays tomato ripening by reducing ubiquitination of the repressor WRKY71. Plant Physiology, 2023, 192(1): 616-632.
<br>8.H Sun, K Hu, S Wei, G Yao*, H Zhang*. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTORS 4.1/4.2 with an EAR motif repress anthocyanin biosynthesis in red-skinned pears.  Plant Physiology, 2023, 192(3): 1892-1912.
<br>9.G Yao*, S Gou, T Zhong, S Wei, X An, H Sun, C Sun, K Hu, H Zhang*. Persulfidation of transcription factor MYB10 inhibits anthocyanin synthesis in red-skinned pear. Plant Physiology,  2023, 192(3): 2185-2202.
<br>10.Y-Q Zhao, K-D Hu, G-F Yao, S-Y Wang, X-J Peng, H Zhang. A D-cysteine desulfhydrase, SlDCD2, participates in tomato fruit ripening by modulating ROS homoeostasis and ethylene biosynthesis. Horticulture Research, 2023, 10(3),   uhad014.
<br>11.K-D Hu†, X-Y Zhang†, G-F Yao†, Y-L Rong, C Ding, J Tang, F Yang, Z-Q Huang, Z-M Xu, X-Y Chen, Y-H Li, L-Y Hu, H Zhang*. A nuclear-localized cysteine desulfhydrase plays a role in fruit ripening in tomato. Horticulture Research. 2020, 7(1): 211.
<br>12.C Li†, J Wu†, K-D Hu†, S-W Wei, H-Y Sun, L-Y Hu, Z Han, G-F Yao*, H Zhang*. PyWRKY26 and PybHLH3 cotargeted the PyMYB114 promoter to regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport in red-skinned pears. Horticulture Research. 2020, 2020, 7: 37.
<br>13.S-X Guo†, G-F Yao†, H-R Ye†, J Tang, Z-Q Huang, F Yang, Y-H Li, Z Han, L-Y Hu, H Zhang*, K-D Hu*. Functional characterization of a cystathionine β-synthase gene in sulfur metabolism and pathogenicity of Aspergillus niger in pear fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019, 67: 4435-4443.
<br>14.G-F Yao†, Z-Z Wei†, T-T Li†, J Tang, Z-Q Huang, F Yang, Y-H Li, Z Han, F Hu, L-Y Hu, K-D Hu*, H Zhang*. Modulation of enhanced antioxidant activity by hydrogen sulfide antagonizing ethylene in tomato fruit ripening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66(40):10380-10387.
<br>15.M-K Zhang†, J Tang†, Z-Q Huang†, K-D Hu, Y-H Li, Z Han, X-Y Chen, L-Y Hu, G-F Yao*, H Zhang*. Reduction of Aspergillus niger virulence in apple fruits by deletion of the catalase gene cpeB. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66(21): 5401-5409.
<br>16.SP Li, KD Hu, LY Hu, YH Li, AM Jiang, F Xiao, Y Han, YS Liu, H Zhang*. Hydrogen sulfide alleviates postharvest senescence of broccoli by modulating antioxidant defense and senescence-related gene expression. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2014, 62(5): 1119-1129.
<br>17.L-Y Hu, S-L Hu, J Wu, Y-H Li, J-L Zheng, Z-J Wei, J Liu, H-L Wang, Y-S Liu, H Zhang*. Hydrogen sulfide prolongs postharvest shelf life of strawberry and plays an antioxidative role in fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60 (35), 8684-8693.
<br>18.H Zhang*, SL Hu, ZJ Zhang, LY Hu, CX Jiang*, ZJ Wei, J Liu, HL Wang, ST Jiang. Hydrogen sulfide acts as a regulator of flower senescence in plants. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60(3): 251-257.
<br>19.Ha Zhang*, ZQ Tan, LY Hu, SH Wang, JP Luo, Russell Jones. Hydrogen sulfide alleviates aluminum toxicity in germinating wheat seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2010, 52 (6): 556-567
<br>20.H Zhang*, J Tang, XP Liu, Y Wang, W Yu, WY Peng, F Fang, DF Ma*, ZJ Wei, LY Hu. Hydrogen sulfide promotes root organogenesis in Ipomoea batatas, Salix matsudana and Glycine max. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2009, 51 (12): 1084-1092
<br>21.H Zhang*, LY Hu, KD Hu, YD He, SH Wang, JP Luo. Hydrogen sulfide promotes wheat seed germination and alleviates the oxidative damage against copper stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50 (12):1518-1529
<br>22.K Hu, H Zhang. Reactive sulfur species-A novel group of gasotransmitters. In Vasileios Ziogas & Francisco J. Corpas. “Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Species in Post-Harvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops”. PP 111-141, 2023. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-91798-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/C2021-0-01129-9
<br>23.H Zhang*. Hydrogen Sulfide in plant biology. In: Lorenzo Lamattina & Carlos García-Mata. “Gasotransmitters in Plants” of book series “Signaling and Communication in Plants”. PP 23-51, 2016. Springer international Publishing AG, Switzerland. ISSN 1867-9048, ISBN 978-3-319-40711-1. ISSN1867-9056 (electronic), ISBN 978-3-319-40713-5 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-40713-5
研究领域 <br>农产品贮藏工程、H2S信号转导、食品生物技术、食品科学与工程,食品工程、生物技术与工程、生化与分子生物学 科研项目 <br>主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省科技厅重大专项与重点项目、安徽省自然科学基金、教育厅省级自然科学基金重大项目与重点项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、科技部重点专项子课题、合肥市乡村振兴科技团队项目及横向项目等。
荣誉奖项 <br>中国植物生理与分子生物学学会第十二届理事会理事;曾江苏省科技进步二等奖、中国农科院科技成果一等奖等奖项。

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